Proposal at Pam’s Grotto Waterfall

Throughout my journeys in the Ozarks, and having now been to over 100 waterfalls, many of them have become favorites over the years. Pam’s Grotto has always been one of my favorites; definitely in my top 10, and probably in my top 5 as well (it changes from time to time lol!).

Well, over this past weekend, Pam’s Grotto has, far and away, become my absolute all time favorite waterfall. Hands down!! This place will forever hold a special place in my heart and memory, and I look forward to visiting many times in the years to come.
Let me show you why…

This past Saturday, after all the rain we had on Friday, was a perfect day to get out and explore the abundance of flowing waterfalls in the Ozarks.

My best friend, Jennifer, and I headed down Arkansas Hwy 7, south of Jasper and deep into the Ozark National Forest. We were headed to a waterfall new for both of us; Native American Falls.
The waterfall is located just south of the intersection of highways 16 & 123 with hwy 7 at Pelsor/Sand Gap.
We stopped for a few minutes at the Sand Gap General Store (because they had a small yard sale and yard sales are awesome!), then continued south of the junction on Hwy 7 for just under 1/2 mile.
There is a small wide spot on the right shoulder (west side of the road) where a few vehicles can pull off and park.
Although this is listed as a bushwhack in Tim Ernst’s waterfall guidebook, we found an easy to follow worn trail down to the creek bottom and to the top of the falls.
There is a way around from the top of the falls to the left that leads down to the base of the waterfall, and we found a rope that makes descending the steepest part much easier.
Native American Falls is a beautiful must-see waterfall when you’re in the area, but be prepared for a fairly steep climb back out lol!

Our next stop was at Pam’s Grotto waterfall. Located just off of Hwy 123, and close to Haw Creek Campground, I had been here a few times before in the past, and has easily been one of my most favorite waterfalls. Not only for the beauty of the waterfall itself, but the amazing surroundings and the bluff line and the trail and the giant boulder that guards the falls all add up to make this a truly unique and special place.

Not only had Jennifer never been to this waterfall before, but it was one she had really been wanting to visit, and I am so thankful to be the one who got to lead her there and show it to her for the first time!

We had different plans for this weekend for a few weeks ahead, but as life usually goes, plans get shuffled around, and we decided just earlier in the week to go waterfall hunting after all this rain that was forecast for Friday.
l say this because I had been planning a special surprise for several weeks, so working out the details/location became a little tricky.
When we finally settled on what our plans were for the weekend, I knew just what and where to pop the question!

I know proposing in front of a waterfall may not be the most “original” idea, but I could think of no prettier waterfall, and wanted somewhere that was beautiful and new to her, as we begin our new life together:)

From the parking area on Hwy 123, we could tell it would be a little busy around the falls, but that’s to be expected after a good rainy day when it’s sunny and somewhat warm on a beautiful Saturday. We hiked up the short but slightly steep trail to the base of the bluff line, then made our way along the bluffs towards the waterfall. The trail and bluffs make this a great place to hike and explore even when there’s not much water at the falls.

We didn’t see very many folks on the way in to the falls, but there was a rather large family with several kids running around the waterfall when we arrived. I had also been wanting to take a few photos with just the two of us, so I began to get my camera and tripod set up and ready while Jennifer explored around a bit and enjoyed the beauty of the grotto. We didn’t have to wait very long for the area to begin clearing out, and I was able to get some pictures in without lots of folks in the background.

I took several photos with both my camera and my phone, including several with us in the picture together. Of course, as I began to get ready to present her the ring and get down on one knee, all the crowds began to dissipate, and we were basically alone. I was definitely nervous;)

Just as I was ready to “take just one more photo” and surprise her, the last few people were leaving the grotto. I asked the very last person leaving, a very kind young woman, if she wouldn’t mind taking our picture with my phone while we stood in front of my camera.

As I walked up to Jennifer and began to get down on one knee, I could hear the nice lady start saying “oh my goodness!” over and over, and the secret was out lol! I think that made it whole experience even better:)

Even though I was confident in a yes from Jennifer, and I knew we both loved each other very very much and both were looking forward to getting married, I still couldn’t help but be nervous and excited at the same time. She said she could feel my hands shaking HA! I guess I was even nervous enough that I presented her the ring box with the lid still closed!! Lol!

She asked me later in the day if I remembered what I had said to her, but I was excited and nervous enough that I don’t really remember what all I said. What I do remember is speaking from my heart, and saying how much she meant to me

After relishing in the moment for a good while, we had the place to ourselves for a good 20 minutes or so. We were truly blessed to have some time alone to talk and laugh and just enjoy each other’s company at such a beautiful waterfall; but most importantly to spend a few minutes alone praying over one another and our relationship and upcoming marriage.

Eventually, more people started filtering in, and we just hung out for a while longer, taking some more pictures and just soaking in the day and the atmosphere.

I was wanting to try a few pictures where my camera focused on our hands, and especially the ring, with us somewhat faded in the background. It was a tough picture to pull off while trying to hold steady in front of the camera. I got one good photo, but the rest were just too blurry.
We needed someone to take a picture of us, who could work the camera or phone and properly focus on the ring and our hands. I would have timidly asked a stranger to do this, but being her awesome self, Jennifer just excitedly said to another woman there “Hey! We just got engaged! Will you take our picture!?”
It’s the little things… 😍

Even on our hike back out, she would excitedly tell random hikers “I just got engaged!!”
And commented on how sparkly the ring is! In fact, that became our phrase for the rest of the day. She’s definitely a keeper!!:)

Our last stop was at the Glory Hole Falls, another waterfall she hadn’t been to yet, but had been looking forward to.
On our way over there, we purposely drove on over and up Hwy 21 thru Ozone, hoping to stop at the Ozone Burger Barn, but they were surprisingly closed on such a beautiful Saturday.

Anyway, we headed north to the Glory Hole waterfall on Hwy 16/21 just south of Edwards Junction. Again, this was another full parking area, and there were lots of folks coming and going along the trail.

We stopped at a couple smaller waterfalls along the trail, on the little creek that feeds the main waterfall. There’s so much to see and explore in this area, too. We soon made it to the top of the waterfall, where the creek has literally drilled a hole down into the overhanging bluff. It’s so fun to take someone there and see their reaction to it for the first time!

I set up my camera/tripod and took several photos, in between folks getting their selfies next to the water. Jennifer explored around the falls and the small stream below the falls, which had many small cascades and pools of water. Another small waterfall pours off the bluff to the side of the Glory Hole, and it’s stream joins the one from the Glory Hole down below, and makes for some good photo opportunities.

All in all, this day was far and away my favorite waterfall hunting day ever. Ever! I got to spend such a beautiful day with my absolute best friend, visiting some of the most beautiful places in all the Ozarks, and surprising her at, now, our most favorite waterfall!

Best. Day. Ever! (So far 😁)

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