Garden Update May 2012

Well, I finally had a weekend free to get some planting done in our garden. I was on vacation last, and as you already read, I spent most of it along the Buffalo River. Before that, I had purchased a Suzuki Samurai back in March, and spent the rest of the month and most of April fixing it up.
But, alas, I finally had time to devote to the garden!
We were pretty much done growing spinach (what little we did have after my cats dug up most of the seeds), so I pulled up what was left, had a nice big spinach salad for lunch on Monday, then used that bed to plant a bunch of pepper plants. I also got in two beds of tomatoes, a total of 15 tomato plants altogether. I also got in a small row of cucumber plants. Towards the evening yesterday, I tilled up a longer row and planted a bunch of okra. The only thing I didn’t have time for was a row of green beans. That will come next weekend.

Our lettuce bed

The pepper bed; 4 bell peppers and 4 jalapenos

The okra row


An overview of the garden

One of many tomato plants; this one’s a homestead tomato plant

Another tomato bed (this one has 7 tomato plants, plus one banana pepper plant)

The onion patch (Can you smell it!)

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